Friday, October 16, 2009

The Secret to Fitness

Alright, we all know that exercise is healthy for us. We start an exercise program, feel good about ourselves, but then sometimes we miss a session, get sick, or "fall off the wagon". We lose hope because we've gained back the weight we've lost and give up on ourselves. Do you want to know the secret of achieving your personal health and fitness goals, okay.. here it is:


Did you know, it takes about two weeks to lose your cardiovascular fitness, and about four weeks to lose your muscle composition once you stop working out. Losing muscle is the WORST thing that can happen when trying to lose fat. 1 pound of muscle mass/tone burns 30-50 extra calories AT REST!

Some people may complain that they were injured, so they can not work out. I don't buy that unless your whole body was injured! If you hurt your shoulder, you still have those legs and abs that need some attention. You hurt your knee, well your chest, back, arms, and abs are still working. If you are seeing a doctor about an injury, ask the doctor what you can do. I have not run in to any doctors who do not want you to exercise. Here are some ideas (definitely get the OKAY from your doctor first):

Water exercise - Very low impact! Check out your local gym for aerobic classes.
Bike - very low (to no) impact and is usually okay on knees
Elliptical - Also low impact on joints. Not my recommended mode, but still effective.
Walking - If walking is too easy for you and running it too hard, than power walk!
Weight/resistance training

So here is my advise to you on staying consistent:

  • Once you come up with a plan, make a personal commitment to STICK TO IT. Tell your friends and family what you are doing so you are accountable to someone. Hire a trainer to stay on top of your workouts.

  • Don't overwhelm yourself at first. Yes, we know we should workout 5 - 6 days a week (making at least 3 of those days weight training), but take baby steps. Choose 1-2 days at a particular time to commit to working out. Work up from there.

  • Choose a mode that you enjoy. Often times we start working out, and boredom sets in. Find things that are FUN to you. For instance, if you get really bored on the treadmill change up the intensity, add interval training, increase the incline. Also, listen to upbeat music that keeps you pumped up and moving!

So if you find yourself lagging, jump back on the wagon and get moving! Stay active, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Crap. I need this. I'm glad you started this blog - I have finally put it on my blog roll so I will be a more consistent reader =)
