Monday, February 1, 2010


A few months ago, I bought the Jack LaLanne Juicer. I have been wanting one for a while, and finally bought one. This picture is one with me using my juicer for the first time! I know, some people take pictures of their baby walking for the first time, or pictures of other monumental events. I take pictures of simple things that are exciting to me! Like juice from a carrot coming out of the juicer... haha
I wanted to share with whoever reads this blog a few things on juicing. I could ramble on about all of the benefits, but this article pretty much sums it up!

Health Benefits of Juicing


If you are looking for an easy and effective way to do something good for you body, consider the health benefits of juicing. Juicing is preparing and drinking fruit and vegetable juices, and the many health benefits of juicing far exceed those of eating solid fruits and vegetables.

For one thing, the body can quickly absorb larger amounts of nutrients from juices than from solid foods because the process of digestion that is necessary when you eat whole foods is bypassed. Raw fruits and vegetables contain many substances that enhance health, and juicing benefits the body by providing the most concentrated and readily absorbed source of these substances.

Another one of the major health benefits of juicing is that it is an easy way to get beneficial enzymes, which are primarily found in raw foods, into the body. Enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables have the vital role of converting food into body tissue and energy. Enzymes are also involved in metabolism, so one of the more valuable health benefits of juicing is that it can increase metabolic rate. Juicing also ensures that the body is getting sufficient amounts of phytochemicals, substances in plants that are considered among the most powerful ways to fight disease. While most people do not eat enough raw fruits and vegetables to obtain the amount of phytochemicals that would make a difference, it is relatively easy to drink enough juice to obtain sufficient amounts of these powerful nutrients. In addition, antioxidants and other immune enhancing properties are concentrated in juices.

Juicing can therefore help to accelerate recovery from illness. In fact, juicing with specific combinations of fruits or vegetables can target particular conditions and improve or alleviate symptoms.

Among the most interesting health benefits of juicing are its anti-aging benefits and its potential for alleviating symptoms of depression. The effects of juicing on depression are accomplished by providing a concentrated source of minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and folic acid. Deficiencies of these nutrients are associated with symptoms of depression.

Further, the concentration of antioxidants in juices combats the damaging effects that free radicals have on skin and muscle. Juicing can help keep skin free from wrinkles and muscles well toned. In addition, increasing the intake of antioxidants by juicing can slow the onset of age-related illnesses.

In conjunction with its positive effects on health, the benefits of juicing also include the fact that it is relatively cost effective and convenient, especially if you prepare your own juices. By staying healthy as a result of increasing your intake of fresh juices, you can also reduce the need for expensive medications. Since there are no side effects associated with juicing, you can drink as much juice as you are able to tolerate, thereby maximizing health benefits. There are many tasty combinations of fruits and vegetables, and the variety of juices that can be prepared are likely to keep you in the habit of juicing once you realize the many health benefits that doing so can provide.


  1. I didn't know all of this about juicing! It's making me more interested. I've been wanting to have more smoothies lately, too. Are smoothies just as good as juices? And do you eat carrot juice straight up???

  2. AND I have another question for you. Allison started using flax meal in some of her foods. Do you know anything about flax meal or these other meal/grain things you can at to foods to enhance their nutritional value? It sounded like a good idea to me. She also take vitamin B-6 to help with mood swings.

    Also, my knees have been bugging me when I run or even walk lately, which is so weird because I haven't even been running since it's so cold outside. What do you suggest people should do if they want to have some serious calorie burn but their knees are hurting? And I've heard that if your knees hurt that usually means you need to do more weight training with your quads and stuff. Is that true?

    I many questions, but at least it gives you ideas to blog about on here? =)

  3. Flaxseed Q first.. that stuff is great. Easy way to get EFA's, lignan (which is an antioxidant), and fiber! It's a superfood. I like to get wheat germ too and add it to oatmeal and such. So way to go Allison! :) Also, getting a fishoil supplement is great. That helps with mood swings and depression as well.

    Knees hurting? Could be A LOT of things. First thing I recommend is to roll them out. Find an exercise foam roller, or you can use a dough roller, and roll out the muscles above and around your knee. There are a lot of muscle attachments to the knee, so what happens is those muscles get tight, and pull your knee cap in a lot of directions. By rolling them out, you are releasing the tension in the muscle. Also, make sure you are running with your butt, and not your hamstrings. Overuse of hamstrings will also pull on the knee. No, I do not agree with working your quads more. That only makes your muscles even more tight, which pulls on the knee even more. If you are going to do weight lifting for your quads, you need to do equal lifting for your hamstrings, so one muscle isn't overcompensating for the other.

    I hope that helps!! :)

  4. Haha, I just read everything Ashley wrote, her questions about the stuff I was doing. I just stumbled across this blog of yours from Ashley's list of blogs and I was has Ashley been keeping this from me!??! This stuff is so great Becca! And I've been doing that one leg workout from January's post and it's so good! Really great for mommies who don't have tons of time to work out. I was doing some of those squats while Evie was awake and she was so funny she started trying to do them too! I love it.

    Oh yes, and the reason I'm posting on this one...I got my Grandma's Jack LaLanne juicer when she passed away and I LOOVE it! I haven't gotten to use it tons yet because there just wasn't room at Wymount and it was hard for me to clean all the time but when we move to Ohio that puppies having a permanent place on my counter! It feels so healthy! You should do a blog about some of the yummy juices you've made! Anyways, I love this blog of yours, it's so great and helpful!!
